
BeamNews - Complete Flutter News App For Wordpress

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  • Created: 13th Feb, 2023
  • Updated: 13th Feb, 2023

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This is the BeamNews Configuration and Setup Document. You can configure your WordPress site and the app (Android & iOS) by following this documentation.

You are free to use any WordPress news/blog theme of your choice. The app has no relation to the theme as the app fetches data automatically via WP REST API.

  • Before starting the configuration, Please make sure that your WordPress website is up and running
  • Follow the WORDPRESS SETUP first and then follow the APP SETUP.

Note: We provide installation/reskin service for the BeamNews app. If you can’t do the configuration/installation by yourself, we can do that for you for a fee. You can email us at [email protected] for more details.

WordPress Setup

This section takes you through the steps involved in setting up your wordpress site for BeamNews App.

Install Plugins

Install & Activate These WordPress Plugins

You have to install some WordPress plugins which are required for the app functionality. You can install these plugins from your WordPress dashboard by searching for them on the plugins section. Install and activate them. All of them are completely free on the wp plugin store.

  1. JWT Authentication for WP REST API (Required)
  2. FCM Push Notification from WP (Required)
  3. Code Snippets (Required)
  4. ACF to REST API (Required)
  5. Advanced Custom Fields (Required)
  6. REST API Password Reset with Code (Required)
  7. WordPress Popular Posts (Recommended)
  8. WP REST Cache (Recommended)
  9. Easy WP SMTP (Recommended especially if you are using a shared hosting server or if your wordpress email is not working. You should follow the additional steps required for setup by following the plugin documentation. This is required for sending password reset email to the users)

JWT Setup

For User Authentication (Registration & Login)

You will have to edit your .htaccess file by adding two lines of code. You can get this file by accessing your Cpanel > File manager > public_html > your site directory Once you locate this file, right click on it and go to edit file then add the following two lines under the RewriteEngine On line then save.

                RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.*)
                RewriteRule ^(.*) - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%1]

Second Step, you will have to edit your wp-config.php file by adding two lines of code. You will get the file in the same directory as your .htaccess file described above. Once you locate this file, right click on it and go to edit file then add the following two lines under the define( 'WP_DEBUG', false ); line.

                define('JWT_AUTH_SECRET_KEY', 'your-top-secret-key');
                define('JWT_AUTH_CORS_ENABLE', true);

After adding these two lines of code, you have to replace the your-top-secret-key in the first line with a secret key. To get a secret key, visit this URL, copy the AUTH_KEY key and paste it here. After this, your lines will look like the image below:

JWT Auth

Now save the file and that's it.

FCM Push Notification Setup

For Push Notifications

This plugin is required to send push notifications for posts directly from your WordPress admin dashboard. You must have installed and activated it from previous steps. Now follow these steps to complete the setup:

  • Go to Settings > FCM Push Notification from WP on your WordPress dashboard. You will see a configuration page like this:

  • Setup the Application Channel, Topic Configured in Application, Notification Sound & others exactly as the image above except the API Key. Save that.
  • Your API Key is missing. You will get the API Key from the App Setup Section of this doc for push notifications. When you do, make sure to come back to this section and update your API Key then save.
  • After this setup, you can send push notifications on every post created & updated from your WordPress dashboard as shown in the image below:

Import ACF File

For Categories Thumbnails

This plugin is required to add Thumbnails when creating or updating Categories directly from your WordPress admin dashboard. You must have installed and activated the ACF to REST API & Advanced Custom Fields plugins from previous steps. Now follow these steps to complete the setup:

  • From the main_files folder you downloaded from Codester, you got an acf.json file. Now go to Custom Fields > Tools on your WordPress dashboard. Use the Import Field Groups section. Select the acf.json File and then click on Import JSON as shown in the image below:

  • After this setup, you can now add thumbnails to your existing or new categories from your WordPress dashboard as shown in the image below:

Import Code Snippets File

You must have installed and activated the Code Snippets plugin from previous steps. Now follow these steps to complete the setup:

  • From the main_files folder you downloaded from Codester, you got a snippets.json file. Now go to Snippets > Import on your WordPress dashboard. Use the Import button to upload the snippets.json file and then activate it by turning on the toggle as shown in the image below:

Create Tags

For featured and video posts

You need to create two tags, one for featured and the other for video posts.

  • Go to your WordPress Dashboard > Posts > Tags and then create a tag with name featured
  • Now create another tag with name video

Add a featured tag to any posts you want to appear as featured posts in the app and add a video tag to any posts you want to appear as video posts in the app.

App Setup

The complete application has been developed & built on Flutter. First, You will have to install flutter on your computer. You can use Both Visual Studio Code & Android Studio as IDE for Flutter. The steps are the same for both IDE. We have used Visual Studio Code. So, Our Setup will be based on this IDE.

Flutter Installation

To install flutter on your computer, follow the official documentation from Google. Flutter Official Site:
If you already have Flutter installed on your computer, then you can skip this step.

Make sure you have installed the latest stable version of flutter. If everything is okay then you can continue with the steps below.

Project Setup

After purchasing the app you will get a .zip file, proceed to unzip it. Inside the main_files folder, you will get a folder named beam_news_app. This is the source code of the app. You have to work on this to set up your app. Now open your IDE and open the beam_news_app folder on your IDE. Wait some time for the project to load.

Now go to the IDE terminal and run the following commands one after the other :

  • Run the following command on the IDE terminal to clean the whole project first.
  • flutter clean
  • Run the following command on the IDE terminal to get all the required packages.
  • flutter pub get

Make sure you run these commands from the root directory of the project.

Push Notification Setup

  1. First, go to Firebase Console and sign in with your email account then go to the console.
  2. Once on the console dashboard, click on Add Project
  3. Then proceed to create a new project with your App name

Android Notification Setup

Once you have created a project as stated in the steps above, you will be automatically redirected to the project overview. Then follow these steps to complete the Android notification setup

  • Click on the android icon to add an android app to your project as shown in the image below:

  • On the next screen, add your package name and App nickname then click the Register app and skip other steps by clicking Next. See the image below

  • Your package name should be like com.your_domain_name.your_app_name . Example: You can use the same package name for android & iOS. iOS does not support under scores in the package name. So, keep that in mind if you want to use the same package name for both android & iOS.

  • Now go to Project Settings and click on the android icon then download ​google-services.json file. See the image below:

  • Now on the App project code already opened on your IDE, go to ​the beam_news_app/android/app​ directory and paste the google-services.json​ file there. See the image below:

  • That’s it. Push notification setup for android is complete.

iOS Notification Setup

  • From your Firebase Console > Project Overview, click on the iOS icon to add an iOS app to your project
  • On the next screen, enter your iOS package name and App nickname then click on the Register app and skip the other steps just the same way you did for android.
  • Now go to Project Settings, click on the iOS app and download the GoogleService-info.plist​ file.
  • Now on the App project code already opened on your IDE, go to the beam_news_app/i​os/Runner directory​ and paste the GoogleService-info.plist file there.
  • Now, Open the iOS folder on Xcode by right-clicking on the iOS folder from VSCode or Android Studio and go to the runner folder then drag & drop the GoogleService-info.plist​ file here. You will get a popup, click yes or confirm the popup message. That’s it.

For iOS, You can also visit this LINK and follow the instructions. This is a well written doc from Flutter Team. You can ignore the (Advanced, Optional) steps from there.

Finish Up WordPress Notification Setup

Remember when we setup push notification on the wordpress dashboard? We didn't fill up the API KEY. Now let's do that

  • From your firebase console, go to the Project Settings > Cloud Messaging Tab. You need to enable the Cloud Messaging API (Legacy) which is disabled now.
  • Click on the three dots beside Cloud Messaging API (Legacy) then click on the Manage API in Google Cloud Console. On the next page, enable the API. See the image below:

  • After that, refresh the cloud messaging tab and you will see that it is now enabled and has a key. Copy that Server Key.

  • Now go back to your WordPress dashboard > Settings > FCM Push Notification from WP and paste the server key in the field for API Key and save that. That's it.

App Configuration

On the App project code already opened on your IDE, go to lib/config/app_config.dart . This file contains all the required configs for your app. It is well commented with instructions and explanations for each setup. Lets go through..

  • appName - Update the value of this with your App name.
  • baseUrl - You should update this with you wordpress website link. Make sure to include https or http (if you don't have ssl) and no slash [/] at the end of the url.
  • primaryColor - This is the overall app color. You should update this with your preffered color. Please note that you will have to update only the last 6 characters after [0xFF]
  • forceUserToLoginOnStart - If you want users to be forced to login everytime they launch the app, set this to true else set this to false. Default value is false
  • enablePopularPostsPlugin - If you installed the WordPress Popular Posts plugin, set this to true.
  • showPostDialogOnNotificaiton - If this is set to true, a dialog will pop up when a notification is received. If set to false, a toast message will be shown instead.
  • showLogoInHomeScreen - If this is set to true, your logo will be displayed on the home screen
  • featuredPostsTagID & videoPostsTagID - Remember the Tags you created earlier in this doc? You will need to update these variables with the tag IDs. Check HERE for steps on how to get Tag IDs from your wordpress dashboard.
  • featuredCategories - Featured categories are displayed on the Home screen tabs. Update this section with your preffered category IDs & Names. Check HERE for steps on how to get Category IDs from your wordpress dashboard.
  • isAdEnabled - We have integrated Google Admob in BeamNews. If you set this to true, Ads will be shown on your app.

Admob Setup for Android

  • From your AdMob account, create an app for android. You will get an app id for android.
  • Create 2 ad units. One banner and One Interstitial.
  • Now, go to the android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml file and change the AdMob app id(Android) with yours.

  • Then on the lib/config/app_config.dart file, change the androidBannerAdID, androidInterstitialAdID with your values.

Admob Setup for iOS

  • From your AdMob account, create an app for iOS. You will get an app id for iOS.
  • Create 2 ad units. One banner and One Interstitial.
  • Now, go to the ios/Runner/Info.plist file and change the AdMob app id(iOS) with yours.

  • Then on the lib/config/app_config.dart file, change the iosBannerAdID, iosInterstitialAdID with your values.

Change Package Name - Android

You have to use the same package name that you have registered in the firebase console.

Go to your IDE and run the following command from your IDE terminal by changing the package name with yours.

              flutter pub run change_app_package_name:main

Don’t forget to replace with your package name.

Change Package Name - iOS

Go to the i​os/Runner/Info.plist​ file and replace the CFBundleIdentifier value with your iOS package name. See the image below:

Multi-Language Setup (Optional)

We currently have 2 languages in this app. English and Spanish. But hey, you can add more if you wish and its as simple as following these steps:

Editing An Existing Language

If your language is already available on the list and you want to make some changes, then follow the steps below:
Example: If your want to change some text in Spanish language, then open the assets/translations/es-ES.json file and edit only the right-side values.

Adding A New Language

If you want to add a new language that is not available in the default list, follow the steps below:

  • First, go to the assets/translations folder from your IDE. Add a .json file here with language_code-country_code.json name. Now go to the assets/translations/en-US.json file and copy everything from this file and paste to the new json file you just created.
  • Now, update all the right-side strings. Look at the es-ES.json file and you will understand what to do.
  • Then go to lib/helpers/lang_helper.dart file and add your new language just as the default two were added. See the image below:

  • For Android, you don’t have to do anything else.
  • For iOS, go to ios/Runner/Info.plist and add your new language in the language array. See the image below.

Removing An Existing Language

To remove any language that is available in the language list, please follow the steps below:

  • Go to the assets/translations folder and delete the language_code-country_code.json file that you want. (You shouldn't delete the en-US.json file because this is the default language).
  • Then go to lib/helpers/lang_helper.dart file and remove the language you wish to remove.
  • And finally go to ios/Runner/Info.plist and remove the string.

Default Language Setup

English is used as the start language of the app by default. If you want to add any other language as a Start Language then go to the lib/main.dart file and replace the startLocale and the fallbackLocale with your preffered language. That's it.

Change App Name - Android

Go to the a​ndroid/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml​ file and Change your app name.

Change App Name - iOS

Go to the i​os/Runner/Info.plist​ file and Change your app name. This should be the string value for CFBundleName

Change App Images

Go to the assets/images folder and replace all the images with yours

NOTE: Make sure your new images has same name and file extension as the ones you are replacing

Generate App Icons

Run the following command on your IDE terminal:

              flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main

This command will generate android & iOS icons for your app.

Generate Splash Icon

Run the following command on your IDE terminal:

              flutter pub run flutter_native_splash:create

Releasing the Android App

Lets release our brand new App to Google Play Store

Generate Keystore File

Required to upload the app at Google Play

To generate a release certificate, You have to generate a Keystore file. To generate a Keystore file, run the command below from the root of your project directory.

If you are on MAC, run the command below:

              keytool -genkey -v -keystore ~/upload-keystore.jks -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias upload

If you are on WINDOWS, run the command below:

              keytool -genkey -v -keystore c:\Users\USER_NAME\upload-keystore.jks -storetype JKS -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias upload
  • Enter your details and remember the password. After this, you will get an upload-keystore.jks Keystore file.
  • Locate this file and move the file into the android/app folder.
  • Then go to the android/​ file and replace the ​password​ which you have inputted to generate the Keystore file

Uploading At Google Play

  • To test the released android app, run the following command on the terminal:
                    flutter build apk --split-per-abi
  • You will get 3 apk files from the build/app/output/apk/release folder. You can test the app-armeabi-v7a-release.apk file on your android device.

  • If you want to publish the app to google play store, don’t upload any of the above generated apk files. Use an appbundle file which is recommended by Google

  • To generate an appbundle, run the following command on the terminal:
                    flutter build appbundle
  • After that, you will get a .aab file in the build/app/output/appbundle/release folder.

Now you can upload this .aab file to google play store.

Releasing the iOS App

Follow the official doc from the flutter team HERE.


If this documentation doesn't answer your questions, So, Please send us Email via Item Support Page

We are located in GMT +1:00 time zone and we answer all questions within 12-24 hours in weekdays. In some rare cases the waiting time can be to 48 hours. (except holiday seasons which might take longer).

Note: While we aim to provide the best support possible, please keep in mind that it only extends to verified buyers and only to issues related to this product like bugs and errors. Custom modifications or third party module implementations are not included.

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Version 1.0 (13 Feb, 2023)

Initial Release